How to improve your website positioning?

05 June, 2019

How to improve your website positioning?

How to improve your website positioning?

Every site would like to be at the top of the first page of Google search results. Yet it is very difficult to be among the first ones. The solution? Either you pay or you use the tools that improve your website performances.
Google reads and processes all the material by using analysis tools that take into consideration SEO (Search Engine Optimization) parameters.

What are SEO parameters?

  • Readability
  • Keywords and synonyms 
  • Meta-descriptions
  • Internal and external links
  • Images

How to apply them?

For example, for websites created with Wordpress, the Yaost plugin allows to enter the SEO parameters and improve text readability. This makes it easier for Google searching engines to find all the info and process the content giving them a high score to be finally placed in the first pages of the results.

We applied it to the Adamello Brenta Nature Park  website with great results. The new website is no longer the same!
Who doesn't know this area of western Trentino with such amazing natural beauty! We had the privilege of helping the authority running it to enhance its qualities also through its website. So much content about wild life, locations, research and institutions. The website had this huge treasure that needed a bit of updating for the communication and the Internet positioning. The approach was too formal, the content were too long and the search results not in the first pages.
We asked ourselves:

1) Who are we addressing?

We found out who were the visitors of the website to understand how to address them more effectively.

2) What's the website like?

We examined the website and decided to reformulate the main menu architecture to enhance tourist info. This would help the visitor looking for info (Where can I sleep? What can I see?). The new menu allows to easily find all the info without neglecting other sections (research, sustainable tourism..)

3) How to proceed?

  • First, reduce the content by making them more direct, outspoken and engaging. An easygoing style is a better approach to users. Reading gets easier and info become more interesting.  Improving text readability makes content more enjoyable and easy to read. Dividing text into paragraphs helps the the reader find what he is looking for.  Because in Internet seconds are precious and attention span is very short. You need to engage the reader by quickly supplying the info needed. How? With short paragraphs, giving immediate info, not long or complex sentences. Simple words, preferably not too complicated. Direct and engaging style. 
  • Then insert SEO parameters to improve search and final results. Each page has been associated with a specific description that is displayed in the results. Page title and slug should be the same and then use keywords. These are the most important words of the page e what users look for. Then we added synonyms, internal and external links to other sites helped supplying search engines with all the needed info to meet inquiries.
  • Last, the Adamello Brenta Nature Park website now speaks also English and German. So foreign tourists can easily plan their visit to such amazing places!  


Now the website results are found in the first page of the search results! While before you had to look for them on the fourth or fifth page. We really enjoyed virtually exploring the Park  and can't wait to do it personally. Adamello Brenta Nature Park: experience nature in its magnificence!

Daniela Marotto